© Henriikka Kontimo 2008-2023

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http://www.henriikkakontimo.com/files/gimgs/th-62_grass 2-a.jpg
http://www.henriikkakontimo.com/files/gimgs/th-62_grass 1-a.jpg
http://www.henriikkakontimo.com/files/gimgs/th-62_grass 3-a.jpg



Vallimägi hill, Rakvere, Estonia

The work consists of a sentence that is hand-printed on 5000 leaves of grass growing along a path in a meadow. The sentence reads: If we have nothing to do with each other, there is no such thing as a meadow.

If we have nothing to do with each other, there is no such thing as a meadow. Can we ever really exist without each other? Can we really ever exist in connection with each other? Every individual is pulled in opposite directions in one's desire to belong and at the same time to be detached; the paradoxical, existential longing never stops.

A monument's function is to turn seeing into recognition and resonance. Like everything in nature, also every monument lives bound by time and eventually dies. Grass, in its unavoidably brief existence, is a personal and seemingly invisible monument for things invisible. By finding the leaves and reading the text on them, the viewer can become a part of the work.

Thank you: Anna Vihma